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January 22, 2023Registration open: Free MOOCs for Adult Trainers on AI and IoT!
April 14, 2023ALL DIGITAL ACADEMY is one of the digital skills initiatives to be showcased during the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2023 Launch event on 14 April 2023.
The ALL DIGITAL Weeks campaign is one of the major pan-European awareness raising campaigns on digital skills for inclusion, empowerment and employment. Organised by the ALL DIGITAL Network since 2010, the campaign has helped almost 1.5 million people to get online for the first time or enhance their digital skills.
ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2023 will run over 3 weeks from 17 April until 7 May 2023. Endorsed by the European Commission, this year’s campaign will strongly contribute to the promotion of the European Year of Skills and its actions will be underpinned under the motto ’’Enhance your digital skills’’ which is a call to action for all European citizens and every individual living in Europe to learn new skills, both basic and advanced, to be able to face digital transformation with confidence.
The International Launch Event brings together high-level speakers and experts on the key themes of the campaign. The campaign will be launched by an intervention by Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, followed by keynote addresses by some of the campaign’s strategic partners.
A policy discussion on “Digital Skills for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion – from basic to advanced” features key actors representing the European Commission, the grassroots level provision of digital competence trainings, academia, civil society, industry professionals and social economy.
The launch event will be concluded with the three key initiatives focusing on the digital competence development for all: the on-going feasibility study on a European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC), ALL DIGITAL ACADEMY, and DigComp Hub.
You can join the launch event that will be organised on 14 April (14:00 to 17:30) onsite at the L42 business center & workspaces (Rue de la Loi, 42, Brussels) or online. Check out further details of the event and register for onsite or online attendance here.